Surprise Global Events for The Division throughout March

I have my Tactician 6 piece but haven’t messed around with it yet. And actually I hear a 5 piece is better with a gold back pack and the ‘Specialized’ talent on it which adds 200% of both Firearms and Stamina to your skill power.

I get a kick out of the guys I run with tho who have their nuke and let it fly. One I want to play around with.

Did you miss out on a piece of gear or a mask from a specific Global Event this month? Well I have good news for you! To close out the month of Global Events weekends there will be a Global Event week starting today and every two days (47 hrs technically) it will cycle through all 4 of the Global Events.

Monday - Outbreak
Wednesday - Assault
Friday - Strike
Sunday - Ambush

Also, all who login during this week will receive the ‘Celebration’ emote.

Watch The Division Twitch channel during the Global Events and you can receive Cypher keys and the ISAC Asher Vanity set. Make sure you link your Ubisoft account to Twitch to receive the drops.

30 min = 3 Cypher keys
60 min = ISAC Asher Vanity set
90 min = 3 Cypher keys
Every 30 mins you watch after that, up to 6 hours = 5 Cypher Key Fragments per 30 mins. This counts across the entire month if you have been previously watching as well.

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