36 square mile world? Damn!
My only concern is it’s ubisoft. Their stuff is just broke as hell on release
I’d be surprised if this was after that Assassin’s Creed Unity nonsense. I’d also be surprised to see this title this year since their is no release date.
I think they are gonna take their sweet ass time on this one.
I hope so. It needs to seriously be good.
Or this will be the Chinese democracy of games. 19 years in the works and really not that special when it finally came out.
Sadly, that’s all too common with today’s games.
i think this will be out this fall… no way Rainbow 6 will be out this year, Im sure there is another ass-creed coming out, ummm no farcry since it just came out… whats another ubisoft pillar game? dont think they have any more…
Aren’t we due for a new Rayman?
is that franchise that big of a seller?? i figured it was a big seller but didnt bring in the $$$ other AAA games do.
Do not say that about RB6. You’re breaking my heart!