The Preacher Discussion Thread (SPOILERS)

In the same boat as you guys, enjoying the show as it is. They got a lot of entertaining styles in the show.

Like the rest of you guys I am liking this show. Also never read the comics and I have my “who the hell is that?” And “wtf just happened?” momemts. AMC seems to have their shit together making shows except Fear TWD. That show I can’t seem to like. They’re all good and once one season ends a different shows season begins.

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As someone who’s pretty much memorized the comics, let me tell you that you don’t need to worry if you’ve never read them, as they’re barely related to the way the show is developing. They’ve kept the basic premise, so far (Texas preacher gets infected with weird god-baby and gets a voice that can’t be disobeyed), has an Irish vampire for a friend, and a hit-woman girlfriend. The rest of it, is pretty fast and loose as related to the comics. Examples as relate to the story so far (episode 2)…

1: Jesse was the only person that Genesis (the god-baby) bonded with, and it blew up his entire church and congregation when it did it.

2: The Grail is after Jesse (and not 'til several issues further into the story), not Cassidy.

3: Tulip is a FAILED hit-woman who barely survives her first job., and has been estranged from Jesse for several years at the beginning of the story.

4: The two angels (BTW, they’re Angels) that attacked Jesse in the church in episode 2 are in the comics, but they’re more paper pushers than chainsaw-wielding killers.

5: Arseface is much more depressing and unintelligible in the comics, and his dad is a MUCH bigger asshole.

6: Odin Quincannon (the bald guy being played by Jackie Earl Hailey, who is perfectly cast, BTW) doesn’t show up until MUCH later in the story, and is a character who will most likely have to be toned far down from his comic persona.

All in all, the series is, so far, very interesting and well made; I’m just taking it for its own creature, though, instead of an adaptation of something else. I will say, though, that they have started off the Saint of Killers (the cowboy with the sick baby from the beginning of episode 2) properly. I hope they don’t fuck that character up, as he’s easily the coolest character to come out of the comics.

BTW, if any of you want to read the comics, the entire series is available in the comics drive. It’s under DC, in the Vertigo folder. Here’s the link…

Remember, you need to be logged into Google to access it.


Great summary! I agree with it all and also take the show for a very nice port of the books. I was trying to figure out who the two were that came for Jesse, thought they were the Angels, but they didn’t act that way in the books, so I was confused. Last night solidified it and actually brought a few other storylines in order.

So the chainsaw brothers weren’t clones… if they are angels why are they toting machine guns & chainsaws?

Because reasons.

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Exactly, why not!

I need to go back and reread the comic now that I’ve started the show, but I didn’t recall angels being terribly powerful when incarnate. Of course, the only thing I really remember right now was them opening the tomb and getting blown away but that was a special case.

Anyway, the way they play this one looks like they’re wearing “meat suits” while on earth, and just create more meat suits as necessary.

Cassidy running over the angels was classic. Then he tells them he is a vampire and they just look at each not having a clue what that is.

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Also, I have to think that the fellow in the white suit that Tulip’s contact give that file to at the beginning of the episode HAS to be Herr Starr, which leads me to believe that shit is 'bout to get intense.

I really wish they’d do more about the Saint Of Killers, though. It seems stupid to drop this three minute blurb of footage on him at the start of episode 2, then not touch upon it again at all.

It still bugs me how they’re handling Arseface’s voice, as well. I know that they did it so people could understand him better, but I think it would be cooler to do what they did in the comic, and just have him mumble and subtitle him.

Show still rocks, though.

I agree with the Saint, but I think it’ll make a bigger impact as the season comes to a close. This show is chaotic with directions and misconception. It’s similar to the comics in you don’t know what the hell is going on. Ever

What a fucked up ending.

So is the whole town dead? Isn’t there more story to Odin Quincannon? Blowing up a whole town is sort of fucked, even worse that the Preacher doesn’t even acknowledge it.

I’m trying to remember Arseface’s story line. I think I need to re-read the comics. It’s been so long since I have.

Ending was crazy. I watched the talking after and the producers Evan and Seth said the town and people are gone. From what they said the first season and the town was a prequel to where the comics start.

I guess he’s deviating a bit from the comics as Odin was around for a bit. Or maybe just merged it.

Odin was a bit part in the comics and I was fine that he is gone. It’s pretty much what I thought last week in that the entire town was going to be killed off which was the beginning of the comics. There are a bit of differences, and I’m wondering if the sheriff makes it out, but I doubt it. It was a good entry to the preacher world. I’m assuming if they kinda follow the comics next season and take them to NYC as well as to grandmas house. Those are two good arcs before Herr Starr. He’ll also be hunted by the Saint.

Bump for the new season.

Not sure if anyone is watching, but I like it better than the first so far. The opening scene to the season was awesome! The music has been good and plays into the moods. The effects have been outlandish and I really am digging the story. It’s far enough away from the comics to make it really enjoyable and yearning for more. The first season really laid the base foundation of the characters and now it’s anyone’s game. Well done, lots of fun, and not serious about itself. Good times

One of my favorite scenes so far this season, from episode 4

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Anyone still watch this show. I have been keeping up but this season is really slow. I know they are focusing on Jesse’s backstory but man they need to pick up the pace.

I stopped after season 1.

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