Hello fellow reapers!
I just wanted to let everyone know that episode 3 of The Reapercast will be broadcast LIVE tomorrow night with special guest our very own D1G1TALC1PHERS who will be also doing member spotlight. Just wanted to also let everyone know of a few changes.
Our start time tomorrow and hopefully going forward will be 9:30 p.m.
Eastern time so please make sure to join us 1 hour earlier. -
Also we are moving from Google hangouts to Skype but it will be
streamed over to Twitch. It will be shown here on the site so
just look under the Twitch tab and you should see it there. If
not here is the link to Johnny Hustler’s twitch page:
http://www.twitch.tv/johnnyhustler. Twitch also allows chat so
please feel free to speak up during the show and you never know maybe
we’ll mention you on the show! We look forward to seeing everyone
live tomorrow night!
Originally published at: http://grimreapergamers.com/the-reapercast-episode-3/