Now that things are settling down, I’d like to hear everyone’s thoughts on the new site. What do you like, dislike? Are we missing anything? And what would you like to see?
I think y’all did a great job. It looks great both on desktop and mobile and loads fast. You should feel good about it. Thanks for your efforts
Yes please don’t be shy. if something does not look right or you think we could improve it anyway we want to hear about it. No matter how small. Well at least I do. Lala will probably just tell you to stop bitching and kick you from chat. Repeatedly.
NSFW forums, can you import those images over?
We want you to go through scrote withdrawal!
I tried starting a scrote forum but grex didn’t approve for some reason.
I will not have waterfall pics in my forum. NOT EVAR!
I am currently looking at a few people on this site.
its nice to start fresh sometime
@LalaCalamari how do you get the box with the quote of which you want to reply… ?
I’m not sure I understand your question.
Are you asking how to quote someone?
yes. i see like, link, flag, bookmark…
OH got it, you highlight it… thats awesome
@Audible_Silence Just highlight what you want “quoted” and hit reply.