Who’s raiding tonight?
I’d like to do three normal Crotas and maybe one HM.
I should be on around 8:00 central time.
Who’s raiding tonight?
I’d like to do three normal Crotas and maybe one HM.
I should be on around 8:00 central time.
Is love to raid… Then we can do a number 6 on them.
I have almost no raid experience. But I do have a half-full bottle of tequila and zero adult supervision tonight. Hit me up if you guys need an extra body on the raids
Gb b3ring3i
I’m game, hope to be on sometime after 9pm / 9:30pm eastern.
My Internet connection went out last night. Anyone going to be on tonight for raid or weekly/nightly?
I’d do a raid tonight but it would be a little later.
10:00 - 10:30 eastern time.
Gb b3ring3i we can get you in on a raid this week. What level are you?
Hell yeah! I’ve got a 31 Hunter, 30 Titan and 28 Warlock.
I’ll be on this afternoon around 5 pm EST if anyone wants to run weekly/nightfall/strikes
I’m home early today so we can do weekly and nightly. Add me: mac79pr