vr tech

Y’all see any future or potential in all of this new vr tech? I don’t know how I feel about it. I guess I need to experience it first. I think that may be the biggest hurdle for it’s success. Nobody understands it or knows how it can make games better.

Yeah, the understanding of it by the non-tech savvy crowd will be a barrier that marketing will need to overcome. Another factor will be the ever present factor of price. After paying 400-500 for a console/steam machine, or paying 1000-1500 for a gaming rig (at least), will customers want to pay 300-500 for the VR headset? Will they bite at 200? Is it even possible yet to get the price point to 200?

Also, will we get compelling software/games to go with it. Kinect is a cool piece of tech, but it doesn’t have shit for support. So, it’s only used to turn my xbox on and off, and snap the party app anymore. People have been burned by the lack of software, and the over abundance of plain awful titles that the Wii saw.

I don’t think it’s work much for FPS’ s… but a space sim like EVE valkery sign me the fuck up


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for the lazy

I was on my phone and didn’t know how to copy the video url from YouTube app to here. XD

i think my favorite part of the vid is when the chick says “oh no i wanna be a guy again.”

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