Wanted to join the right Clan. Meet AWOLFromFatCamp.

My name is Travis, I’m from NY and I’ll probably only be playing FPS’. My gamertage is AWOLFromFatCamp and I am 25. I have Xbox One and Xbox360 and would love to play sometime and just have fun. I’m pretty decent at AW, positive KD and all. My favorite Cod is MW2, but I had the most fun on MW3.

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Don’t pay attention to that ass hat. He is just bitter Xbox had a better E3.

Welcome to the group.

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Welcome to the Clan!


Welcome to the asylum.

Welcome aboard.

Welcome to the clan! TexasReaperCrew on XB1

welcome to the party

FR sent.

Welcome to GRG. FR sent your way.

Welcome to the right side…FR sent.

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Welcome to the clan and glad you are on the Xbox !!! Now for the bad news … You can forget about your positive KD ( clan has way to many team kills and drinks too much while playing ) , get used to jokes about your mom or your favorite football team , don’t feed the Sonybonies ( they had a bad E3 and are in a foul mood ) , never every drop the soap at any time and be sure to stock up on booze in your icebox for clan night ( but don’t tell anyone in the lobby because they will plan a raid to empty it ) .

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