Welcome the new GRG Staff!

GRG staff has just gained three new members. I’d like to welcome AlphaMack, Klown4Life and TexasReaperCrew. All three will take positions of GRG Team Leaders. Alpha and Klown for the PS4 side and Texas for the XB1 side. They will be helping new members become active in GRG by getting them in games and running clan sponsored game nights.

All three guys have a great sense of humor, thick skin and have fit in well with the clan.

Congratulation guys, you have no idea what nonsense you signed up for! :wink:


Welcome to the team.

You are all fired!

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Congrats to the new staff members

All members feel free to berate them as you do all staff members and feel free to party up at any time.

We’re all in trouble now.

Thanks for the support guys.

Thanks all. Also if Tuttle can do this…nuff said


Welcome. Start filling the calender

Three more people Lala can bitch about in site chat…

Congrats…I guess? :wink:


Fuck those guys!


What Gunny said !!!

Congrats guys

Congrats new meat.

Thanks for the condolences. :sunglasses: Look forward to helping out as much as possible.


Just in time for the new release season. Congrats.

Replaced by dildos and butt plugs, not rocks.

Unless the rocks are penis shaped.

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I’ll put googly eyes on them, they’ll have more personality than the current staff.

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You should script a bot to post that line periodically on recently updated forums posts and/or in Slack