What guns are you using?

I went hog wild last night and spent some hard earned virtual cash. I bought a few guns last night. I first bought the SG553. I love this AR and can’t wait to unlock it for both sides (you can do that right?). It’s very accurate and powerful. It feels much better than the ACWR and the R0933 (which I hear is good but didn’t spend any time with). If you can afford to buy this AR, do it.

I also bought the 416 for the Robbers side. I’m not in love with this gun. It pulls up when you shoot. I’ll probably like it a lot more when I can slap a Vertical Grip on it. Until then, meh.

Finally, I purchased the SOCOM16 for the operator class. This is a high powered DMR and a gun style I usually like for HC, which we were playing last night. Normally it takes 3 shots to down an enemy, it was 2 for HC. I’ll have to try it out in core but I rarely play the sniper class in core.

What guns do you recommend?

I still haven’t bought anything. I don’t like buying a gun and only getting it for one side and not the other. I guess my real life cheapness is carrying over to video games now. I really need to buy something because I can’t kill anybody with the base guns.

Yes, be tight with that virtual money. I bet you can put it in a nice 401k or something. :smile:

SPEND IT H2. Go for it!

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Also, the base AR is supposed to be one of the better ARs in game. Well, from what I’m reading.

Im currently using the ACW-R, and the M16 which in trying to get on both sides. If you dont have the ACW-R, you are seriously missing out. This thing is a killing machine.

I’m a big fan of the Uzi (thieves) and MXR or maybe it’s the MXC ($18000 for agents) for the mechanic class. Little kick and decent distance for a submachine gun. Only issue I have is it takes half a clip to finish someone off so you can’t be shy about bullets but it’s worth it for the mobile span points and grenade launcher for those damn vehicles.

Just unlocked the M16 for the Cops Operator class. Only played a few rounds with it but like the fire rate so far. Need to get a scope on it before I make a judgement call on it. Have the ACW-R as well so will use that on the Thieves side until I get the permit to use the M16 for both…

I’m still using the starting guns and I’ve only played mechanic so far. The MP5K is decent both from hip-firing and aiming down sights. Using the crap out of molotovs, specially in blood money.

i forgot which bolt action it is, but you can unlock .338 magnum ammo and it was a one hit kill in the beta, dunno if they changed it.

Bought the AWM Sniper rifle. It’s a beast but that 14x Scope is brutal. It’s hard to give up the 6x scope and the straight pull bolt of the default scout. I managed to get about 30 kills with it today so I have the 6x scope and about 20 away from the straight pull.

Nice thing about this gun is the damage. Up close it’s a 1 shot kill. Anything at a distance does a ton of damage. I got so many assists counts as kills with this gun from just one bullet. And this is in core.

ACWR for operator, MPX or PP90 For mechanic

I like the shotguns but it sucks when enemy is out of range, Then you stand there like an ass

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