Who still has BF4?

I’m thinking of running a GRG BF4 night. Who still has this title? I’m in the mood to blow shit up.

I still have it. Would be up for some BF4 to change things up a bit.

I’m pretty sure I still have it but I don’t have any DLC content.

I have it but I don’t have the DLC. It would be a nice break form Destiny.

Maybe shoot for a Thursday Night BF4 night then. Looks like we could get a decent squad together.

I have it. Would love to play. It’s been a long time. Not sure I can do Thursday though. I’ll check.


adding this for length…

I’m in.

I’d love to, we’ll see in a couple of weeks after my stuff gets here and I get settled down.

Ninja Prease, unpack your shit. Open up the boxes with your Katana!

When the boxes show up, i’m hacking that shit to bits! should be here this week… hopefully!

I have this game, do we want to fire it up this weekend in advance of the BF Hardline Beta Access???

I’ve got it as well and would be down for some matches.

I recently bought the premium edition on PSN for $24. I’ve been enjoying it, much better and more stable than the last time I played it


Old thread but I still have it.

Also one good thing about not playing in a long time is you have a shit ton of backpacks to open then and a massive amount of XP boosts.

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I had about 16-2 battlepacks to open. It was great. I also have a crap load of XP boosts… not just 25 and 50’s either, quite a few 100’s & 200’s in there too.