2019 Fantasy Football Anyone?

It’s kinda last minute…but is anyone interested? If so I can create a league and set either an auto-draft or a live draft. (Live draft would have to be SOON as the regular season begins 9/5 w/ TNF Packers @ Bears)

My preference is Yahoo but I can setup a league where ever everyone prefers.

Go Bills! :football::football::football:

I’m game and I dont mind auto draft takes some of the work away from me lol. If yahoo id have to figure that out which shouldnt be hard just usually use ESPN but havent done one in a few seasons so either way works

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That makes 2! Getting there. Anyone else? I imagine we need at least 8-10 teams on most platforms…I’m not sure honestly. I do believe Yahoo allows for 6 teams but I wouldn’t go any less.

With the lack of time I assume we would have to do auto-draft unless a bunch of people show interest in the next 24 hours or so.

I figure if we get enough teams we’ll just go with the platform picked by most users. Yahoo? ESPN? NFLdotcom? Other?

Ill do it if we can get a couple more.

Someone was asking me about it in @codplayers the other night also, but I can’t remember who…

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I’m down

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I’ll play. I’ll auto draft either way.