About Last Night --Part 2

Continuing the discussion from so…about last night:

Haloz last was a good time. Much better than the previous week. we had a full Warzone team most of the night. No Rage, good times and some good wins. Although I think i am pretty much done with Warzone Assault. That game mode is all about being a suicide squad. At the end of those matches I pretty much felt useless. I think that game mode can get to lopsided to easily.

Oh BTW - For the older clan members. NoGame showed up to fill our party.

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Pics or it didn’t happen!


I was surptised when NoGame showed up . We had a few of the new people show up as well which was also great but we need to start having private lobbies with clan members only in which we can learn about the maps and each other as well maybe that will happen next week in BLOPS III .