About the ArkPlayers Group

Welcome to the Ark Players Group.

We enjoy long walks on the beach, sipping drinks served in glass jars, and knocking you unconscious, filling your pockets full of rocks, and locking you in a cage until you eat your own poop!

We are currently running a primarily PVP server on the Xbox and a PVE server on PC. Please feel free to reach out to a leader for server info or check out the Ark chat channel in Discord.

Primitive Plus

Set to release on September 1, and we will be starting a fresh primitive plus server on the xbox. We haven’t figured the rules on that server yet, but will be letting everyone know.

Join the group to get notified of Ark events or when people are looking to group up. You can also mention @ArkPlayers if you are looking for people to throw poop at. Check out the Ark Cateogry for PC and X1 Server info.

Protip: Clicking on the group name will provide a list of people in the group. You can see there gametags by clicking on their avatar.

Leaders: @TheBodyFarmer, @anon42851937, @D1G1TALC1PHERS

To join this group reply here or send a PM to a leader.

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Signing up

unga bunga


Added all who have asked so far. Will wait for confirmation from others before adding them to this player’s group.

I’m your huckleberry

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You especially are now that I’ve added you to the group.

Sign me up.

Add me


Add me please.

Gotcha added @MohawkViking. Are you on Xbox or PC?

I’m on both but xbox is where I’ll be playing.

Added @MonkEXT to the group

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Add me please. Xbox


Add me for Xbox plz



Thank you @Lala_Calamari

Added @Quadro @ArkPlayers

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Added @Trixxavi @ArkPlayers