Alt-Tab Crashing

Is anyone else on PC having the same problem as me?

I play on dual monitors and I can’t seem to task switch to a browser to look something up without being instantly disconnected from the game server. It makes me close it and restart the game from the launcher.

I can’t seem to Google a fix or why this is happening, but it is annoying! Tired of having to use my phone to look stuff up while playing…

Is there a Windowed Fullscreen option? Ark acts really stupid if you don’t have it on Windows Fullscreen on a multi monitor setup.

Yeah, I am running it in windowed full screen.

• Crash after Task Switching: The Destiny 2 client may crash after switching tasks (ALT+TAB) when AMD Crossfire is enabled. To avoid this issue, players should avoid switching tasks for extended periods of time when the AMD Crossfire feature is enabled.

Yeah, I saw that. I’m not using any AMD products though.

Interestingly enough, my game isn’t disconnecting if I alt-tab using full screen instead of windowed full screen. At least it doesn’t take that long to switch back to the game like some games do… I can live with this for now.

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