Anthem Mega Thread

The sites still not working for me…so I’m still trying

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Let me rephrase i got a friend of mines friend code sorry if i mislead in the previous post but i may know how to grt another one ill let you know

That’s just mean Twisted, SoInZane was so excited.

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Yeah I watched your clip on Twitch and heard you saying something like “Wait, didn’t I already do that?”.

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I was excited too. Oh well. Lol

Whats everyone’s opinion of the game thus far? the controls seem kind of clunky to me, i’m starting to lean towards not picking it up at launch

Seems the xbox servers are getting better. Was able to complete the first expedition without any issues. Controls are good movement is a bit floaty combat is fun.

Game reminds more of warframe than Destiny with maybe a little monster hunter thrown in. I say MH due to the way missions / expeditions are set up.


I read somewhere that PC controls were supposedly already improved since the version being used for the demo.

Can’t find the source for that again though, will post here if I do.

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You mean the Colossus shouldn’t feel like it’s made of paper? I think it should have a big energy shield as well. Big mass, slow recharge would work I think.

BTW The website to give out codes is working. Check this thread:

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Talks about whats differ from what we are playing. So hopefully that means the colossus is actually tanky.

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God I hope so. Cause it’s pretty squishy right now.

Seemed a little better with some of the add-ons

Loving the game!

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Definitely need to find and use the Colossus components! Here is a good post on reddit explaining it well:

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I’m pretty sure that was the player not the javelin.

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It’s a great loading screen simulator! The farthest I got in the game was getting in the power suit thing and then watching the loading screen. I did this multiple times on different days with no luck. I will give the open demo a run but i don’t see EA getting my money.

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When you get stuck in the loading screen you can go to dashboard, quit the game, and reload. Nine times out of ten it puts you in the expedition.


Works every time for me doing this.

New complait. Fucking AFKers!!! Had to quit and rejoin just to respawn and revive my other 2 team mates before we all finally just quit due to 1 guy. Had to quit out at the boss fight on stronghold due to this last night as well.

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Very useful to know.

Never understood why companies don’t make this information available, I suppose they like the idea of the userbase working it out and then sharing online - all driving buzz, blog articles and guides.

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