Anthem officially dead

No more development has been officially announced

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OOFF. Pretty much saw this coming though. Shame really.


sucks because it had so much potential, I had a lot of fun despite the bugs that first month but it was too shallow and too many problems. :frowning:


I don’t envy their jobs…
a game that was a huge success 10 years ago would flop today…try too hard to copy something that is currently hot, could be cold or contrived or shallow and it will also flop… i don’t want them to stop trying. just make something awesome. I remember playing ff7, ff13, ff15, ME (but not andromeda) and destiny…they had that super bowl and Disney world feel. it was like wow. Anthem had potential but from the beta it never ever felt “wow”…there were times it was good…but RIP my friend

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I’m gonna hide in a corner now

This isn’t surprising. It was dead a long time ago. Unless they could of franchised the series and created a true Anthem 2, Anthem Next was DOA. There was no way they were going to sink a ton of money into fixing a game without the benefit of cashing in on it. They got your money and it wouldn’t have generated many new sales.

It’s a shame as most people kind of liked the game.

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