Any interest in a competitive match for Overwatch on the Xb1? I’ve been approached on Reddit to scrim against another team. They sound pretty competitive. I told him I’d check back and let him know.
So, anyone interested?
Any interest in a competitive match for Overwatch on the Xb1? I’ve been approached on Reddit to scrim against another team. They sound pretty competitive. I told him I’d check back and let him know.
So, anyone interested?
when anyway we can run it on a saturday
Johnny and I know that our strength for GRG would be to spectate at most.
Sounds fun, I would have to do it Mon Tues or Wed if I was involved. So if on any of those days by chance count me in.
You can put me down for it.
Lol this sounds like it could be rage enducing…I could be interested…
If I can and you want me, I will do it.
Sounds very interesting
Sounds fun, I’m down if you want me. Mon and Tues nights would be best.