anyone want to do Kings Fall fresh some time Tomorrow / Monday prior to reset?

Got my alt to 300 and would like to push through the raid. Cleared it this week and honestly it’s not that hard. It’s just so technical it reminds me of a dance number. Swan lake or something. But anyway Ill be on early hunting frags for the Touch of Malice. Hit me up fam!

I’d be down for this. When did you think of starting?

i am down for Monday night. Wont be on till about 9pm est. though

I should be able to jump on… Around 9 est

@MohawkViking was interested in going as well. We need one more spot. So far it’s a good crew. Except for @Grex.

Yeah I’m in

so hurtful

I’ll join if there’s room, but only if I can’t garner interest in crucible. If there is an influx of raid interest, I’ll start up a second group, instead of crucible

Wow the ultimate hurt though I am not sure if I would be on for Crucible.

Found video of what Texas just did to me.

Wow, that was awful

I’m game for a fresh run for my Hunter…been debating to do the raid fora week or so. I think it’s time…add me if yall have room XBL @ AbstractBboy. I’m CST time so 9est will be 8 for me but i don’t get out of work till 9cst.

I would be up for some crucible. I am pretty much just a filler in the raid until I can get more experience with it.

Good run last-night… Too bad we couldn’t get past the sisters, but damn it got late quick.

Is it just me or are the drops in this raid MEH ? I was happy to get a chest piece but was looking for a little more.
Does using a 3 coin perk help out at all ?

Thanks again for all the joined and help run!


It went very well last night. First time for @Kennedad to run through it, I’m not sure he got anything for his troubles. I managed to get raid boots, Dark Hallowtreads. Other than the 308 light, I’m not sure I’m in love with them. Doesn’t seem like I got a great roll on them.

chest drop from Raid

It seems most of the Raid armor perks are mostly to help assist with the raid. Not really the best armor for standard PvE or PvP other than the higher light.

When are you guys raiding again, need one more?

Id raid tonight if anyones down