Anyone want to revisit SWTOR?

DC Universe will nickle and dime you. You can only do so much in the free part. I would put it right up there with Neverwinter but maybe a tad cheaper.

That’s pretty much most Free to Play MMOs though. SWoTR has the worst F2P model. It’s ok if you want to dip your toes in it but to do any of the good stuff you’re going to have to sub.

If you’re looking for a MMO that’s not going to kill you then I’d suggest Guild Wars 2 or Elder Scrolls online. Sure you have to initially purchase the game but you can get the base free ( I think GW2 is free for the base now, I may be wrong). Sure there’s a cash shop that has convenience items that you’ll probably want to buy if you really get into the game but neither one restricts what you can and can’t do. Once in you’re good to do everything. And both games are excellent.

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LOL. That is lala’s favorite.

Catchy intro lol. Played for bout 10min last night…when you gain a level it does graphic animation and yells at you!

I’m not sure what the deal was with Wildstar but the game actually gave me a migraine every time I played. I’m not sure if it’s the cartoon graphics or the fonts they used. It seriously made me ill.

NIce finds on these MMO ideas, that Wildstar one looks like a lot of content, if it weren’t so kiddie looking I might try.

I have a few hours into Wildstar now…it reminds me of Torchlight…which was a diablo style game. This is just MMO’ed. So far its been enjoyable.

I have the same issue as Lala with Wildstar. Major migraine causer. Lala, Grex, and myself all got it at release. I think we lasted a month or two.

Tried DC Universe Online the other day.
I enjoyed the initial premise and character customisation.

Actual gameplay was a bit lacklustre, low effort objectives with constantly respawning enemies and a shitty objective marker / waypoint.

Already bored.

Did you try it on XB1? DCUO seems like a hack’n’slash / brawl’n’bash type game. Good fun for random grouping. Besides who doesnt like messing around with ‘super powers’

Nah - PS4.
The super powers were fun but somewhat limited (as I understand, though I didn’t progress far).
Also the brawling just got repetitive really quickly.