ARK - Burning Poo Server (PVE)

Starting tonight I will have a X1 PVE ARK server up. It will be on TheIsland. PVE mode is on, as well as tribe wars. Tribe Wars allows you to challenge other tribes in PVP. The challenge must be accepted for PVP to start. This is a GRG only server until posted otherwise.

A word of caution this server will have to be wiped when Primitive Plus comes out. I do not know if it will allow us to use downloaded characters or not as there are many new engrams to learn etc. If it will allow it I will give everyone time to download their characters before the server wipe.

Server GT: DCServerBot
Server Name: DCServerBot

First couple of days will be for testing. If you want any settings changed or are having issues with the server let me know.


Fair warning: I’ma shit all over everyone’s stuff

Is there an ETA for this yet?

No. 2 weeks minimum.

Server is up.

If you need a friend invite from the server just let me know here or on discord.

i added the server the other night.

Sent a FR to the server bot.

I Have a request pending

All added.

Is it a boosted or normal server? Joining either way, just curious

@xxxNAILBUNNYxxx it will be boosted im sure. what time you gonna get on?

Not sure yet. After work I need to do some scouting on 3461 and work on a defense tower. I’ll try to get on and have a look sometime before bed tonight.

Added the server. Can you add me @D1G1TALC1PHERS? I want to defile it with my poop.

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So instead of Primitive Plus we will be running ARK: Scorched Earth. It is a $19.99 Expansion to ARK.

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@ArkPlayers anyone want to jump in a party to spawn.
@D1G1TALC1PHERS may just want to make this the Burning Poo Server thread

How do I get on this server? Just bought the game and have no idea what I’m doing. Don’t have the expansion though

Hit up @D1G1TALC1PHERS or @TheBodyFarmer and they will get you squared away.

To get on this server you will need the expansion. Zombie’s PVP server will hopefully be back up this weekend and you will not need the expansion for it.

Zombie’s server GT is ARkSERVER3461 add it and he will add you back. You join off the gamertag.
