Ark XB1 on 115

I don’t know about all GRG but there is a group of us playing on XBox PvP server 115. We have a Tribe camp around spawn points West 1 and South 1.
Coordinates are around 78, 34 roughly. Just make sure you get in contact with those playing so they can try to get you invite into Tribe. Ani, Dino, Cheeder, and Wildman been main ones chugging along with me.

Don’t know if it’ll be a permanent home, waiting for game updates and whatever everybody has on mind to be able to play together.


Got the ReaperCast to do tonight. Will poop in your fort tomorrow night though.

Please deposit all poop with Wildman. He’s making a poo fort.


It’s coming along nicely!

Full atm for me, I’ll try again later

Prepare for another server post patch. I’m not sure whats going on or how it will play out. But if 115 is still impossible to get on, we will have to find a new home.

Well even when it gets past being full, I get an error that says “could not retrieve address” so idk wth is going on. I just wanna play hah

I downloaded to try it but guess it would be better to wait to do the free hour.

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There seem to be lot of servers it just isn’t showing all of them. I guess once it hits 100 server disappears off the list. The upcoming patch is suppose to fix this, we’ll see.

No they haven’t done any patches yet just given out patch outs for it. They said “this weekend or Monday”

Crid and I got onto 63 yesterday for a bit. 115 was down all day. The last time I tried last night there were only 6 servers showing.

If they stick to 250 servers we are gonna have to deal with Official servers being full until people get tired of the game. They need to get player dedicated servers fixed.

M$ has the patch they just didn’t approve it in time to get it out before the weekend. It will probably be Monday or Tuesday.

I’m looking forward to trying it out. Sounds like fun.

It’s going to be tough to find open land as well. I was fooling around another server looking for an open spot and couldn’t find any.

They should bump up the server count.

You guys are lucky. I can’t play online at all. Every server shows -1 ping and I get the cannot find server address error. Lame

Yea that is normal for me. I can only play early in the mornings. Then it is single player or nothing.

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Still waiting on the patch. From what I’ve heard, they fucked it up and MS refused it. So I’m not sure what that means as far as a timeline.

Anyway found this bit of info on the Ark forums. Looks like they have Character transfers disabled on official servers. So you’ll have to recreate a character if you play on a new server.

Now a pretty nifty feature we’ve got in the game is the option for Survivors to upload and download characters. This is currently disabled on Official Servers, however should function (by choice) for Player Dedicated Servers, Non Dedicated Hosting and Single Player. What this allows you to do is transmit your Survivor data from one save to another.

Please keep in mind that this does not copy your character. If you choose to transmit your data, the survivor as you know will be removed from that particular ARK.

To be able to transmit data you need to be playing a specific server which allows it (highlighted above). You then need to travel to an Obelisk in the game, there are 3 in the ARK. The easiest one to get to would be the Red Obelisk near the Western Region of the island. Once you’re at the Obelisk, just interact with the Obelisk center piece and you’ll have the option to upload your data. Remember, this does not create a copy!

To download your data, head onto your new server and before creating a character you’ll see the option to download data. This will not restore your inventory, base or dinosaurs. This will just respawn in your Survivor with the same Engrams and the same Stat Points spent.

If you head back to the old save, it will no longer exist and you will need to re-upload and download it again. Be cautious when uploading and downloading survivors, as if the server you download it to suddenly vanishes, you will have lost access to that character.

Well they’ve already got my $35, so I guess I’m stuck

I been having fun today playing single player. Last I heard they are going to patch in a few hours.

It’s patched. Server maintenance was at 3:15

Looks like they’re adding 60 more servers tonight.

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