Anyone still watching this show? The first season was great but lately it’s just painful to watch. The Ra’s al Ghul storyline is just dreadful and boring to watch. It’s also gone on way too long. Add in the fact that it feels like I’m watching Team Arrow, 90210.
Bleh. What a waste of a good show.
No, I don’t watch the Flash. My kids do and tell me I should. It sounds a lot better than the last 2 seasons of the Arrow.
I think what changed my mind with the Arrow is when he stopped killing. Well that and all the petty high school drama in Team Arrow.
Flash is WAY better than Arrow right now. The suicide squad story lines are pretty good, but i agree with the Ras and… that other guy Ras wants to kill… it’s too drawn out. this is the problem when a show is 20+ ep a season. 12 episodes is good cuz there is a lot less fluff.
curious where flash is going to go, seems like they are scooting along pretty fast. Seeing Mark Hamil as The Joker The Riddler The Trickster was really awesome.
Sigh, it’s finally over. What a dreadful season. Just way too long and drawn out. Ra’s al Ghul was the most uninteresting villain ever.
Meh, I wouldn’t mind if that’s the last episode of the Arrow. They seemed to wrap it all up, no need for season 4.
I was catching up the other night. Last EP of saw was when him and the hot blonde had sex and tried escaping.
Flash is just so much better.
alright, finished the season. the last episode was pretty good. but they took way too long to lead up to it. couple cliff hangers were interesting. they have been foreshadowing speedy since episode 1. I liked arsenal better but seeing speedy introduced was nice. palmer getting blown up is interesting…i wish Merlin would just die! you know thats coming back. Lourel as the canary is cringe worthy, they should just higher a double for the fight scenes. thought she would get better but nope… nope nope nope.
if the show ended i wouldnt be upset. but i would like to see what happens with speedy, atom, neesa, and jon.
oh and i loved the fight between tatsu (?) and her husband. really enjoyed that plot thread.
Sadly, the show won’t end. They are scheduled for a 4th season.