Balek's Introduction

Ok, let’s try this again…

Name is Matt or BalekFekete (BAL-ek FEK-e-tee). Been gaming since there was video gaming…Atari 2600 era bitch and everything since. Done my stint with PC gaming as well, but that became too bloody expensive to keep up with on a regular basis.

I ended up here via the 2o2p site many moons ago. Started off in a GoW clan which promptly self-imploded and forced me to look for another group of tards to game with online. Ya’ll drew the short straw. :wink:

Right now own an X1 and PS4 and will be gaming actively on each. I cross pretty much all the genres minus sports and driving games - tried those and just never stuck. Looking forward to a bunch of good online titles coming out soon (e.g. Evolve, Hardline, etc.) and looking forward to pulling up the bottom of the scorecard in each of our games.

Age - 42
Location - NE Philly burbs
Occupation - Pharamceuticals
Interests - boobies, gaming, trying to keep the family well fed
XBox - BalekFekete
PSN - BalekFekete

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did you get anything else for PS4 yet?

Grabbed Loadout off the store, but aside from that nothing yet.

I was really into loadout then realized the prices scale up as you level up… so it became super grindy a p2w wheni got to level 8 or 9,

Ah screw that! Thanks for the info - will keep COD as my shooter-of-choice for the time being then…