Being A Responsible Adult Sucks

Right before going on vacation last week, I discovered that the roof in the kitchen is leaking. Called a guy and he said he would be by in a day or two. On day three, we left for the beach. He never showed. Come home and go in the basement and one of the toilets has been leaking. Called and a guy came right over. So toilet is getting fixed. Now time to start calling and find someone to work on the roof.

I want to go back to being a kid again. Screw being an adult.


LOl yeah RL sucks. Fuck responsibiltiy

Oh BTW. Angies List. Shity contractors are shitty.

You won’t get an argument from me that real life sucks ass.

It’s not being an adult that sucks, it’s owning and paying for a home that sucks. I was just there with some plumbing issues as well, $1500 bucks later and everything is flowing. Got some home improvements I need to get done as well, just been slacking lately.