Big changes coming to the Dark Zone!

Big changes coming to the Dark Zone!

Some big changes

  • Assault Rifles get a buff
  • They are working on reducing brackets for matchmaking to increase population. You should start seeing full lobbies. Still only 12 players per lobby which I feel is too small.
  • Increase drops up to 515. The only place to get that level.
  • A.I. will do less damage. A.I. will also get an armor increase.
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Buff for ARs will be good.

Considering that each DZ in Div 2 is roughly 2/3 smaller than that of the DZ in Div 1, 12 might be sufficient but maybe 16 would be better. Until we actually see a full lobby tho and see how it goes 12 might be a good number. The 515 drops should keep it populated and promote more fire fights. I do miss the size of the DZ in Div 1 and the cat and mouse games to get extractions off.