Black Desert Online Megathread

LOL…now thats funny right there

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also, map of the game world with planned expansion size. of course i still really havent left the starting area so to speak.

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So it looks like there is a guild store of sort and bank…but yeah not seeing a guild storage so to say

also found this…


Guild housing is available in Cities only and unlike normal housing, you do not purchase the guild house with contribution. Instead the Guild Master must bid on the housing using funds from the guild bank.

Once the guild housing auction starts announcements are made in-game and bids can be placed at the Auction House NPC. The guild that wins the bid will be able to use the housing for 14 days, but can bid again and potentially own the same guild house forever if they are always the highest bidder. Losing bidders can retrieve their funds again by visiting the Auction House NPC.

Each day the guild must pay additional upkeep funds, which will be equal to the amount the guild bid. If the guild does not have enough funds in the guild bank to pay this upkeep fee, the Guild Master can use their personal silver to pay.

Guild skill points can be invested into the guild house, allowing you to:

Train Elephants – Captured baby elephants can be raised, bred and trained at the guild house.
Craft items – All members can use the guild house to craft items by pressing [L] to open the crafting window. Members can also send their workers to the guild house to work for the guild.
Expand the guild warehouse storage – All members can use the guild warehouse storage inside the Guild House.
If the guild loses the guild house, their progress and items will be saved. These items cannot be used by other guilds, but will be accessible again to you when your guild purchases a new guild house.

What is Black Desert Online?
BDO is a MMORPG developed by Pearl Abyss and published by Daum in NA, EU, and KR, Gamenet in RU, and Pmang in JP. It features mechanics closely relating to “real life” situations (i.e. no teleport, have to stable horses, e.t.c.) as well as castle sieges, guild wars, world bosses, and pve content.
What separates Black Desert from other games?
Action Combat - The combat in Black Desert is action oriented. What I mean by this is, you can not Tab Target or lock on to target. This means you have to manually face and aim at what ever you are attacking.
Expansive World - Many games boast a large world map, but in Black Desert the world is immersive. You cannot simply teleport from one location to another, or fly over the map to your destination. Instead you must walk, run, sail or ride. Each city you visit has its own bank, stable, dock; these places are not magically link to each other.
Graphics - The game engine support Black Desert was made for Black Desert. Without going too deep into specifications, suffice it to say that the graphics are on par with any mmo on the market with as light of a load as possible. For some pros and cons, vist the rest of /u/Devoire’s post over on BDO Tome.
What are the minimum PC spec requirements?
32 bit Windows 7 or 8
Intel Core i3-530 2.9GHz
4gb RAM
GTS 250 / GeForce 9800 GTX / Radeon HD 6770
Recommended (For Medium to High graphic settings):
64 bit Windows 7, 8.1, or 10
Intel Core i5-650 3.2GHz
6gb RAM
GTX 650 / GTX 550ti / Radeon HD7770 / Radeon HD 6770.

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Nice newbie video. I added an “I am new section” to the OP. Put a lot of good guides in there. Take a look. That video is quite old now and a lot has changed since then. 1 major thing is it no longer takes energy to process mats.

Here is what i dropped in.

True newbie guide by Shendare

Master guide list by
● This is a very, very helpful set of guides that should help you learn more about Black Desert:

Enhancement guide and video:
● Guide by Alexmac
● Video by MorrolanTV

● Grinding locations for your gearscore by Robeot

Other useful sites:
● An updated BDO map site
● item/quest/etc database site for BDO



Really in-depth

I think I had a seizure watching this video.

the effects are insane on this game. image a group attacking a world boss and all that going off. good thing you can turn off the effects.

This guys videos are always really good. very in depth.

Black Desert Online gets a waterpark

In the latest patch (July 12th 2017) Black Desert has added a waterpark as part of its summer event. The new area is named “Terrmian Waterpark” and is part of the Terrmian Festival.

You can enjoy 6 new minigames at this waterpark. The events that players are able to participate in include Popping a giant clam for rewards, shooting coconut cannons, cliff diving, Searching on board of a spooky pirate ship, Shooting range, and hunting down spirits. All of these require Terrmian coins to actually participate in.

You can obtain Terrmian coins from actually doing the daily quests or challenges. You can only finish one quest a day per family. You can choose to use them on games or trade for treasure chests, cosmetic items, or an entry into the Terrmian Festival. With your entry you have a chance to win big prizes! Players who wnter have a chance to win a fishing boat set, ferry set, Choppy(Pet), value pack, or Blessing of Kamasylve. Two lucky winners will be able to win a GeForce GTX 1080ti.

This event will be live until August 9.


50% off…$4.99 on steam right now. Weekend Deal Offer ends May 28

Gee I wonder if this was planned around Bless. :grin:

Right. Was thinking the same thing.

Does Bless release this weekend though?

That it was later…

either way…a good way to squeeze out alittle more money

Early release for Bless is the day the sale ends.

Price has dropped a fair bit since launch, right.