Brad Thor Books

I was listening to the Phil Valentine show on the radio the other day. (Yes I’m old and listen to talk radio) he had on Brad Thor as a guest and awas talking about his latest book. This guy sounded very interesting and the books sounded good. Anybody ever read any of his stuff? Any recommendations on where to start?

Heard good things about his stuff. He is on my list of series that i was about to satrt. I have read similar authors,(vince flynn, Lee child) and I like to start at the beginning of a series. His first was Lions of Lucerne. I work out of my truck and listen to lots of audiobooks, two a week usually. I have a huge list if you want any other suggestions.

I really need to try audiobooks. I think I would like that. Cost has always seemed high though. Any good places to get those on the cheap

Audible had a decent model if you get into it and want to do it a lot. I would try a couple first and if you like it go the sub route. If not, no big deal. One good thing is if you turn on whisper sync, you can listen to audible, then read the same book on a kindle and it will sync to the last point you heard

I use audible.Com great selection and they do sales. You also get credits free each month. If your gonna try an audio book there are a couple I could suggest that are particularly great to listen to but it depends on what you like.

World War Z is one of my favorites to listen to. It was done with a full cast that included: Max Brooks(the author and son of mel), the brown coat captain Nathan Fillion, hot fuzz Simon pegg, Luke Skywalker himself mark hamill, John tuturro, Alan alda, and more. Apparently freaking Martin Scorsese was going to do a chapter in an extended edition of the book but I haven’t heard it. It’s definitely one of my all time favorites.
You can buy bundles of credits on audible and get 3 books (up to $40 value each I think) for like $35-$40.

I use Audible as well. Listen to books on my drive to and from work.

Sounds like indeed to give it a try then. Heading to the beach Saturday. Need something for the drive so my family doesn’t drive me crazy.

Quick question about Audible. I was looking at their site. Do you download the book or are you streaming it as you listen? If I’m driving, I don’t want to be eating up my data plan.

You download it.

So you pay a monthly fee plus you have to buy the books? This could get expensive quickly.

No you pay a monthly fee for a credit to download a free one. Then as a member you get discounted books as well if you use up your credits plus they have sales. I have the two credit deal and I know there are a lot of people out there that put a hold on their account from having a bunch of credits to use.

So you pay a monthly fee and get two books a month plus if you want to buy more, you get a discount. guess I just need to give it a try to see if I like it and how long it takes to go through a book. Thanks.

I did not know this.

BTW @h2daddy, Just read the fucking book!

I do read but driving in the car, it would be nice to listen to a book.

I think I am going to try it. I just hope it isn’t that hard to cancel if I decide to.

They used to do a free trial thing and it gets you a free book. Not sure if they still do.