Can We Please Make This a Rule...

Can we please make it a rule that during clan wars/clan night, the party chat is reserved for GRG members only? Some of the other Playstation members may know who I’m talking about, but a certain unwanted kid/ex-GRG member came in tonight to the chat and was just being annoying while playing Battlefield 4 while we were trying our best to finish clan wars strong

I’m not sure who you are talking about, but if you have a problem with anybody, just mute them. that person will be musted till you unmute them even after you turn off the PS4.

Another option is to make the party Private. without knowing the whole story.

without knowing the whole story, that is all i can say on the situation, it also seems to be the best course of action.

There is nothing we can do to stop people from entering/exiting a party if we are not the host of said party, weather they are in the group or not.

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I was referring to one of Optics friends. Brettis or whatever the fuck his name is. The guy who when he was with GRG he was just obnoxious and every time he’s in the party, he’s got shit to talk. You wanna talk shit about CoD??? Cool go and do that in your Brokenfield 4 game chat, not our Call of Duty party. I guess muting is the next best thing

Can we please make it a rule that during clan wars/clan night, the party chat is reserved for GRG members only? Some of the other Playstation members may know who I’m talking about, but a certain unwanted kid/ex-GRG member came in tonight to the chat and was just being annoying while playing Battlefield 4 while we were trying our best to finish clan wars strong

We are not going to tell people who they can or cannot party with. not really the best way to handle this. My suggestion is to just mute the person and/ or block them so they cannot join your parties.

I closed your other thread as this was a duplicate of that.

Ive never heard of the kid so don’t think he’s grg, prolly just a friend of a friend. So nothing we can do about that.

There is no Brettis on the GRG roster, and as far as I know never was. We haven’t removed any members recently.

We can’t make this a rule because we do this on Xbox sometimes. If the chat becomes hectic or problematic then the group splits up into parties of their game of choice. Like others have said just mute him or don’t play with who ever he is joinig the party to talk to. If you want to continue to play with Optic maybe you can bring it up with him if it is his friend. We are all adults here it shouldn’t be a issue.

OK. Just gonna put this out there for everyone. Anyone that doesn’t apply and get accepted to the GRG website is not a member of GRG. There is no way for us as admins to hold anyone accountable that isn’t a official member.

I am all for getting new people playing with us and possibly joining but lets not make them members without going through the motions. It’s not like it takes a long time to fill out a app and wait a few hours(normally seconds) for someone to accept it. To me it sounds like this person is in fact a kid and wouldn’t meet our requirements in the first place. Although some under 25 do make it in on occasion.


What Digital said.

You PS4 guys need to only invite actual GRG to the GRG CoD clan. If they don’t have an account here (on this website) then they are not a GRG member.

you can, but only the host. and the host can also set the party to private. if the party is public, any friends of any of the members in the party can join.