This is probably the wrong forum, but I’m posting from my phone and it isn’t cooperating lol
You’re good.
Does not look like anything major other than a nerf to mccree.
I agree that as a person who uses D.Va a bunch a slight buff in damage would be appreciated as she doesnt do a decent amount i mean she never has to reload so lets not get crazy
I’m happy about the Reaper change lol. I waste way to many mines trying to blow a teammate up
That nerf will definitely affect @Savvy he has been using McRee a lot here lately
Hopefully they don’t buff D.Va too much. I’ve been using her a lot lately and she does need a buff, but a very small one. You do need to put a LOT of shots into someone to take them down, and as a mekk, it shouldn’t be as much as it is. I just hope it won’t go overboard. One thing I hope they do with her, is reduce her crit area. Right now she’s a walking head.
The few times I’ve played her, I found that you practically have to be standing on top of someone to actually kill them. Even playing against her isn’t that bad. To me, she’s more dangerous out of the mech than in
Goodman took an opposite stance on D.Va, agreeing with comments that the mech-piloting Tank was a little underpowered, saying: “I do think there is some room for some D.Va improvements, but these are unlikely to take the shape of increasing her damage output significantly.”
He added: “The goal is that she should be a viable aggressive initiation tank, much like Winston can be right now, rather than some sort of beefy flying assassin. So any changes will likely be helping her in that direction.”
May not be a damage increase unless they feel a little more damage will help with her role. They compare her to being Winston. And when I think about it they play a lot alike, but still very different.
As a tank her job isn’t to kill people it’s to get in the enemies way, hope the group push, hopefully take a little heat off other members of the group so the group can focus on taking down.
Even her Ult, if she don’t kill anybody with it, can be used to scatter enemies or try force them into certain areas that your teammates can take advantage of. Also maybe a good way to clear an area of Turrets.
Agreed, she’s not a killing machine. She’s a disruptor. The problem with her at the moment, as mentioned, you have to be right on top of people to do so. She could use a little more range and tiny bit more DMG added. In my opinion, she’s one of the better tanks on close quarters maps.
One tactic I started using which seems to annoy the hell out of the enemy, is standing behind a Reinhardt at a choke point where we can see down range and laying on her guns like a turret. The enemy pops out and tries to fire, but they hit his shield and take a small bit of DMG. Especially against snipers. It throws them off completely.
The McCree nerf will not slow me down! Flash bang isn’t being nerfed so I’ll survive lol.
That’s true, you suck regardless
Last night and I should of recorded it, all of us picked D.Va at start of the match on Kings Row. Most people try to push players in their own spawn at start of match. You use D.Va’s jet boost ability you can fly to objective point and take over it. Once many of us died we switched to other characters to push the payload to the end.
Nice. That’s how I get rid of Roadhog if he’s being a pain in the ass. I let him hook me and then jet boost his ass away from teammates and then try to either take him out or request help from an attacker if I’m too low. She took a while to figure out, but now I can’t get enough.
The most thrilling part if playing D.Va to me is when you lose the mech suit, health is nil but you can do some damage to people quick to refill the mech meter fast
I cant play as Winston at all