The first story DLC for Borderlands 3, titled Mad Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot, releases in exactly two weeks, on December 19th. In the third episode of the Borderlands Show, the presenters talked about how Handsome Jack, a player favourite, would be featuring in the DLC. This was pretty obvious, since he’s in the name of it, but it was the fact that they said he’d be “sort of” back that was the most mysterious. There’s no two ways about it; Handsome Jack is dead. Yet it makes sense that he’d feature in the DLC, because it is in part a personal story; he used to be married to Moxxi, and stole the plans for that very casino from her. It seems as though visiting the casino in the DLC is like visiting the ghost of Jack himself, leading Moxxi and the player character to reminisce about this iconic character. So, naturally, he’d need to be in it, and we can now see how this will be accomplished, with the 13-minute-long look at gameplay below. Remember, there may be spoilers in it, so best to give it a miss if you’d prefer not to know anything about the DLC until you play it yourself.
The video covers the moments around your arrival on The Handsome Jackpot, as the DLC kicks off. The DLC is crazy, revenge-fuelled heist; Moxxi wants to get revenge on Jack for stealing her casino plans, by turning up to that casino and looting it to the ground. The whole area’s been pretty much sealed off since he died seven years ago, so it’s basically you against all the crazed security forces still in there. Jack himself isn’t exactly hard to miss: as soon as you get in the casino, he materialises as a giant hologram ready to take your money, before releasing a bunch of murder-bots. Jack’s casino is a glitzy, neon-filled blur filled with wave upon wave of angry enemies, and numerous holograms and statues of Jack himself. The casino is apparently connected by the subway tracks; whilst the subway itself is broken, the tracks can still lead you to the key places. The hassle of making your way through the casino and going against all those enemies will be worth it; the casino vault is apparently stuffed with Eridium, cash, and new Legendary loot such as weapons, gear, skins, and emotes.
Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot releases on December 19th.