CoD Initial Thoughts and Impressions - Looking for GRG input

I’m looking to create a Front Page Article for GRG and thought I’d reach out to the community for some help. I want to get GRG’s thoughts and opinions of the the newly released CoD WW2 title. Let’s hear what you think of the game. What’s good or bad about the Campaign? About MP? Graphics? You’re thoughts on the Headquarters. Whatever.


Once the system stabilized yesterday game play was pretty solid. Had a fire team able to stay together and run pretty steadily all night. Time between games was a problem and sometimes you had to quit out and restart the multiplayer game queue to get it to load. Campaign is good so far. Graphics are good. Have to say until @FetalInjury talked me into hardcore mode I was regretting buying it, after that it was better. Someone please explain to me the point of headquarters. I kept calling it the tower or the farm. Why aren’t these items just in the menu like before?

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Campaign: I love the campaign. I am impressed with the graphics, though some downgrades are apparent. I am enjoying going back to the roots of COD and fighting during one of my favorite historical eras. My only gripe is I would have loved to have a co-op option for the campaign. I feel like the squad “powers” would make co-op a viable thing. I am only 3 missions into the campaign, but so far, I have had lots of fun and find it very well worth the price.

Multi-player: While I certainly enjoy the new setting and tower-like social area, I feel like either I am really terrible at MP, or the folks who have been playing this game non-stop since launch have a significant advantage. It seems like there isn’t much skill involved other than knowing exactly where people will come from, and what weapons kill the fastest when upgraded. It seems like either as soon as I go around a given corner, or enter/exit a room, I am dead before I can even throw my sights up. Perhaps this is just something that will improve as I level up, perhaps not.

Overall, I still like playing Destiny better simply because I feel like it is way more balanced and better built. I hope to see improvements in the coming months with COD WW2, hopefully without having to pay $50 for a “Season Pass”.

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I am very curious how it will play on the X too. I know everything with the engine will be the same but better hardware makes everything better right ???

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The campaign is fun and challenging but I am not impressed with the multiplayer. The war mode is a fun new mode but unless I play hardcore in other modes I can’t stand it. Ghost recon wildlands is much better for multiplayer.

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This game is good.

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