CoD WW2 Beta Thoughts

Talk to my ISP

Your isp is sucky.

I’m trying to gauge the communities interest in this game. Who’s still getting it? I created a poll in the original post.


I liked it, didn’t love it. Just a little too slow IMO, kept switching back to Mountaineer and couldn’t really give the other Divisions a chance. Stupid flamethrower shotguns are stupid, but enjoyed the gunplay other than that. Flash could get toned down a bit, liked the adjustment to ADS, but could still be a little faster. Liked the TTK, but that is coming from a most HC player. Wish they had a HC playlist to try out, but think I would have been disappointed just based on the sound. Too much ambient noise, horrible player call outs, and bad overall player sound optimization (could start a whole new thread on that) force you to rely on mini map (which is too small). Will keep the pre-order but see myself playing D2 mainly.

I really enjoyed this Beta, It was the perfect closure I needed after dealing with Exo suits, mega jumps and absurd futuristic weaponry for years. The graphics were sub par but I am being optimistic and chopping it up to “well its just the beta”. and I found that the selection of guns were pretty fair on the playing field, nothing really to OP, expect the kill radius on any given grenade. My poison was the SMG Grease gun, I attached fore grip and rapid fire and sprayed and prayed my enemy’s away,
I also was a huge fan of the division classifications there were to choose from, I enjoyed the idea of playing Screaming eagle or Big ID. but being an army engineer myself. I was really hoping there would have been a Sapper division or at least a combat engineer division. ESSAYONS!
The map selection on everything besides war seemed to be very cluttered and close quarters, which I enjoyed because I am a SMG spray and pray type of player, But I can see the downside of this especially if your a sniper trying to camp for that perfect kill.
Now war was interesting, I enjoyed the concept of taking on orders and then being able to advance in the map to capture, destroy or escort different objectives, My only complaint is the boundaries during gameplay, I would have really enjoyed trying to flank the enemy and running up my killstreaks on unsuspecting people.
Overall I was really ecstatic with this Beta, I feel like there’s a lot more to be done for the final release but I’m looking forward to truly playing WWII and taking all the game has to offer! Just please, no more Exo suits


I’m assuming you’ll get it? I’m still keeping my order. I enjoyed the game and sometimes you need the twitch action of CoD. Plus it’s nice to play rounds that are 10 minutes long (vs the 30+ BF1 rounds). It may not be my main title but it will be in rotation.

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I did keep my pre order although wasn’t thrilled with the beta. I played mostly with the shotgun which I do admit was satisfying to blast faces with. Will keep for community night.

I am honestly pretty excited for it. It felt like going back to the roots when COD was good. Gameplay felt a lot like COD2 on the 360.


I still have my pre order.