Cost of infusion might be changing

Bungie is aware that infusion costs are just too high. Hopefully using Masterwork Cores will be a thing of the past.


Glad I have been infusing sparingly. Maybe it was too cheap before the expansion. Somewhere in the middle would be better.

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Dump the cores but keep the planetary materials. I think that would be fair, plus give you reason to return to the various planets.


At least bring back a way to get master work cores other than buying them from spider. That was the problem. They created a new currency and removed the method of earning it. Before the update you could occasionally get a masterwork weapon to drop.


maybe have cores drop as a reward

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Bungie just likes fucking with everyone… let’s see how outraged our fanbase can get then we will try and fix it

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if i could just get one core per edge transit drop…economy would be fine


Me personally I think the cores shouldn’t be required to infuse.

if masterwork cores relate(d) to making a weapon a masterwork, ok, then what does that have to do with infusion…ok for now i can live with it but as i approach endgame, to have my ability to use my favorite weapon be artificially limited by lack of cores will be crazy frustrating :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I have only sparingly infused. Just a few weapons really. I’m masterwork core poor so I am hoping for a change soon.

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That is what I was thinking, why make us use cores to infuse?? Maybe make it expensive to complete the masterwork but keeping armor that has good rolls is tough the way they have it setup.

dont you guys go buy a few cores from spider every day?

Yes but you can burn through those so fast by infusing or masterworking your equipment.

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sitting on a kajillion yr1 tokens…turning those in might be a good way to jump start this process…I’ll give it a try

Edit: turned those in and for sure cores drop…I turned in about 1000 tokens in EDZ and IO and got approx 40 cores from the dismantles and some 12-13 mods…Still have 300 or so from other vanilla plates and 90 mercury and 300 Mars…I’ll update after

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