Anyone on here plag CSGO? Idk how many people on here even play PC games but that’s about the only thing that I play
i saw that it was available in the xbox store.
It’s funny, I started CS back when it was in beta as a half life 1 mod. Played it straight to source. This was before my kids were born (oldest might of been an infant). Now he’s 16 and him and his friends play all the time. Most of the maps are the same.
Please for the love of God do not make that purchase. The Xbox version is complete shit compared to the Steam version. They just ported a few of the older, popular maps and the servers are dead on the Xbox. Get it on Steam if your gonna get it. But wait for it to go on sale. I picked it up for $2
CS 1.5 lan parties used to be a nightly thing at my house when we all lived at home. Now that myself and my brother have both moved out and went to college, we still play with our dad sometimes but I miss the nightly thing of having LAN cables running all throughout the house