Destiny 1

Would like to get a raid team together or to try n run some of the old raids from the first destiny if yall are interested let me know

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@SoulTerror is in love with you now (be careful) I will log in some time soon and get the D1 characters cleaned up and ready to go

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Vault of Glass? I’d be down to run through that or King’s Fall. I’ll break out my …Hunter. Like there are any other classes in Destiny.

Pinging @destinyplayers to see if there is any interest.

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for me not tomorrow, i’m out of town, or Saturday cuz taters gotta tate but Sunday or monday?

I would be good for Sunday. I need to lose at Blackout while carrying @beers_and_leafs on Monday.

Kingsfall was so much fun. I remember so many hours invested into that Raid. Double Bubble Titans between the pillars FTW. @Lala_Calamari and his dumb Hunter.

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oh hell no girlfriends GIF

Fuck ya!

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We going to do this tonight?

You can but I’m out of town on a family trip…no Xbox…

@lilchris don’t tease us!

Kings fall 6pm cst 7 est yall just add me on Xbox n ill c yall on Sunday if i dont talk to yall sooner xgn jax teller

I will be around at 9 if you need some one then…otherwise no worries…with kids cannot get on much before