Destiny 2 delayed?

Kotaku seems to think so…

It’s a general story about Destiny, but this part sticks out:

It may help clear things up for players to know this: One of the reasons Bungie has no roadmap is that they may not know exactly what’s coming down the road. Plans for Destiny’s future are constantly in flux. As an example, just last week higher-ups at Bungie delayed “Destiny 2” out of this September, according to people familiar with goings-on at the studio. Although Bungie has not yet announced Destiny 2—which could be called something else to avoid confusion—it was essentially public information that they’d planned to release a new iteration of the game this fall, thanks to a contract leaked in 2012 that revealed the scope of their “ten-year plan” for Destiny. For a long time, Bungie had a schedule of annualized releases that would swap between “full” games (“Destiny Game 1, Destiny Game 2”) and hefty expansions (“Comet 1, Comet 2”). As of last week, that appears to have changed. (Bungie declined to comment.)

Kotaku seems sure, but I’m treating this as rumor at this point.

Well, judging by the update they put out yesterday, it still doesn’t seem as though Bungie has their shit together.

They announced a week-ish long Valentine’s event, with a new 2v2 Crimson Days PvP match type. No details on what it’s about though. No news on what’s coming up, just some bullshit interview questions about Crucible and a hefty section on FAN MADE videos. Oh, and Iron Banner is coming back, this time we’re playing RIFT.

So much for real NEW content Bungie. Better be something good coming down the pipe in the near future.

Bungie has always moved at a glacial pace, this doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. And I was under the impression we weren’t getting new content after TTK.

People will bitch and moan, cry that Destiny is dead. They’ll be the first in line to pre-order Destiny 2: The Search for More Money.


Upvote based solely on your Destiny 2 title

There were rumors they might release the Mars raid that supposedly was in development around the same time as VoG. Have no source, on mobile. @RTuTTle86 might remember a bit more.

They’re plan supposedly was to release events and content as the year progresses, leading up to either an expansion or “Destiny 2”. SRL was a decent addition, but they took it away. Now just cycling ToS and IB. Crimson Days will be PvP thing and microtransactions (maybe kissing emotes and shit).

Never had any expectations for this update, just thought they might tell us a bit more than just “we’ll get back to you in a few”.

I heard just events, no new real content. Definitely not a raid or any paid dlc.

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I am just going to say outright, too many put too many words into Bungie’s mouth.

SRL, Halloween Event, And Valentine’s Event is the type of content they were referring to, pretty much they said it outright but people speculate and read too much into things.

People say they promised a raid, I never seen that. People said they claimed new DLC, I never seen Bungie say that.

And how can you delay something that has never been announced. Destiny 2 is mostly rumor and speculation from old information that wasn’t suppose to be seen by public. Bungie never announced it.

And if it does come out in sept it won’t be announced until E3 most likely.

In other words for most people most disappointment in the game is from themselves not Bungie.

Actually, it was more than rumor or speculation, it was court documents over the Infinity Ward lawsuit released that revealed Bungie’s contract with Activision. That contract showed a release every 2 years.

So, I’m not sure how you throw it on players when the contract itself stated every 2 years starting in fall of 2013. Contract terms are pretty iron clad until renegotiated, which is what has probably been done or is in progress.


Because they’re not really telling us much of anything. From the article:

Fans are hungry for even the vaguest hint about new content, but Bungie’s leadership doesn’t want to hint at anything unless they’re sure they’ll actually be able to deliver it. It’s a tough situation for everyone, exacerbated by Bungie’s inefficient designer tools, Activision’s revenue demands, a high-pressure schedule, and a community constantly ravenous for the next big thing.

Unfortunately, people are going to speculate at this point. I’d be surprised if Bungie knows the exact direction they’re going at this point.

Called it…

I think of they release destiny too soon it will cause burnout. Sure assassin’s Creed and cod do it, but ppl aren’t paying it as long or as much as destiny. Of course with no new content, ppl are dropping off and it’s still 8 months before sept launch window…

I curious to see if Activision spaces out the release windows of cod and destiny. Sure different types of players, but for the general masses, they play both games. Destiny spring and cod fall might work, but destiny is a big title… saying that to, a lot of bigger games are moving to spring, street fighter v, uncharted, division…

Highwood studios was contacted to work on the Mars stuff that was scrapped before destiny launched, that includes a raid. That’s fact. Coming out this summer or with destiny 2 is speculation.

“Destiny 2” was supposed to come out in 2015 but destiny was originally supposed to launch in 2013 also.

Haha don’t wanna repeat vanilla destiny’s launch. … smart on their part

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I never seen anything on a new raid or new content.

That said, they could announce Destiny 2 in the fall and I’d pre-order right now. I doubt we’ll see Destiny 2 this year but I’d like to. Game isn’t perfect but it sure was fun. I’d play again.

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I’d heard the same rumors Tuttle had on a Mars raid, but they seemed shaky when I heard them. And with 3rd party devs track record working on Bungie properties (MCC), it may be for the best if that rumor is false.

I love this, the community is passionate about the game one way or the other.

My response to people Bungie doesn’t even know what they are doing…

When Destiny first came out Bungie didn’t know what they were doing, when they created The Dark Below they didn’t know what they were doing, with House of Wolves they didn’t know what they were doing. The issue as well with those two expansions is they promised the costumes these products, they were already paid for, they had to put them out in some form.
But both expansions they show they were learning and growing and testing things. If you notice lot of things they used in minor ways in the other expansions became a major part of The Taken King.

So do I think they know what they are doing now? Maybe not completely but I think they have a better direction then they did when the game first came out.

Now with no promise of DLC they can focus on quality big content, I have no doubt we’ll see something in Septemember.

I did get my money’s worth out of it. More than most titles. But unless IB offers some 300 plus gear I doubt I will play again until we get an expansion or new release.

IB has been offering 300 plus gear off random drops at end of match, I believe you can get up to 320 gear.
I’ll be doing IB this next week for sure on PS4.

I got 316 and 318 gear from the last IB, so yeah, it’s a great source for the high level gear if raiding isnt working out or isnt your thing…

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The events do nothing for me.

I wish we could get a full fireteam for Iron Banner but most aren’t interested anymore. I’d play Iron Banner with a full or mostly full fireteam.

Until they get new content I’m not really interested in Destiny.

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Destiny is in sad shape right now. Nightfall rewards are nothing to get excited about unless your light is low. Iron Banner rewards are not exciting after your first go through. The IB rewards for hitting 3 and 5 haven’t changed. The events are a good change of pace but with the exception of sparrow racing they dont really help. Nightfalls and strikes for TTK have not rotated in Y1 strikes so its the same 4 over and over again. Getting to 320 light is a grind. More so than Y1. If you wanna do 320 you gotta gring the raid and hope RNG drops 320 gear and weapons. Plus extras to level up any other gear you like if you wanna stay at 320. Only raid gear and crucible gear will drop at 320. Nightfall and strike gear can drop up to 310 but normally its only exotics that drop at 310. Last week i got a 293 ghost and this week i got a 294.

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