We have an initial Raid tonight run of some PC peeps here for good 'ol GRG (and yea some of us are super old, like sean connery old) We often refer to this as the “Tater Raid” on the xbox side
some basics of how we run… this is the normal Speil and normally we give few days once we have a “regular” time…
*All are welcome. This is designed to be a fun teamwork exercise that awards us good raid gear. *(we are thinking 1000 is probably the LL floor). Please sign up below so we can plan for 1, 2 or 3 raid teams. Signups have priority over show-ups. We will start filling open slots by 9:15 unless you let us know you are running late and maybe we will hold your slot.
That said we are expecting:
@seth Kage
Alts are only alts cuz they did not say they were in or i did not understand it as such… please all interested join comms channel
and we will run as many teams and ppl as we can through tonight