Destiny 2 PS4 Friday Raid Night 1/5/2018

I’ll be on around 7 Eastern, will see if we have time before the others show up.


Since you’ll be signing in a bit early, feel free to get the party started and name it accordingly. I’ll join when I get on.

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Sounds good.

I’ll be getting a party started for Eater of Worlds when I hope back on at 7-730ish est

Also, I’ll be doing the Division but, will hop on D2 once I’m needed for either raid.

Fun times tonight in the raid with GRG… we got up to Calus with @unobtainaballs @Scuba_Steve1984 @lolo_0420 @anon92806648 @Gunfemme and myself before a couple had to get off… we then got really close a couple times with some backup friends before bringing in @big_jonn214 and another friend and took him down after a few attempts

Congrats to @anon92806648 for getting her first Calus defeat! She said “This is my last one” and we made it count!

Lets do it again and get one for @unobtainaballs and @Scuba_Steve1984 who had to get off.


Yes sir. We had the patience and pulled it off.


Good job guys! Anyone get any cool loot?

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This is Destiny 2 Raid we’re talking about.

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Special mention goes to @LudwigVonTokkenTakke for graciously giving up his spot in the team to allow Baum a slot.


I got the sins of the past twice in the same raid at the same level! :unamused:


Those that weren’t able to beat Calus… any plans to shoot him in the face tonight before the reset? I don’t mind helping out.

Also still have some chests to grab in the underbelly tonight before the reset if anyone still needs to get them. Ill be on tonight around 7 CST.


I was actually going to post something about this. I’m glad you beat me to it! I really want to beat Calus tonight so I am going to try to do my best to jump on when the kids are asleep. Usually that’s about 9ish EST. I’ll hit you up when I get on.


I’m always down. Just hit me up.