Destiny 2 PS4 Friday Raid Night 1/5/2018

Friday night we’re going to be putting together a Raid Party for Destiny 2. I know @SoInZane and @lolo_0420 already expressed interest, and I know others like @Meep, @unobtainaballs, and @Gunfemme will be interested as well. I have no problem setting up more than one party and having separate Raiding Groups (perhaps one for the normal (Calus) raid, and one for the EOW Raid?)

EDIT: It seems we already have 5 loaded up for the Calus Raid. If we get one more than I’ll put that person as the last in the Calus Raid. If we get more than that, I’ll put them on Team 2 for either EOW, or another Calus group.

Here are the details:

Time: 8pm to 11pm EST

Team 1 - (Calus Raid)

Team 2 - (Calus or EOW)
Meep (50/50)

Let me know in the comments if you’re going to be there, and which team you want to be on.


Count me in!!

I’ll take team 1.

I will be there and will fill up either party.

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I can do either one honestly. I’m comfortable in both.

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I don’t have kids this weekend I can go also!

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I should be around.
I volunteer for the Calus Raid, in part since I (sort of) know what I’m doing and also since my PL is around 300 ish.

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and I think you are on EST, is that right @Scuba_Steve1984 ?

Yes he is.

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FYI. I updated the details based on comments so far.


Awesome! Looks like we have a full team for the Calus Raid. If anyone else wants to join as either back up, or for Team 2, just post here.

You can sign me up for both Calus and Eater of Worlds

Back up for Calus and Main one will be for Eater of Worlds


This was the difficult part for me spent hours and hours trying to complete with different groups. Felt like I had to disown my family and ignore my obligations to get into the Raid and not let others down by jumping out after hours. Kinda like a horrible hangover at my age. It just takes too long to recover and forget how horrible you felt the next day.


I’m a 50/50. Friday nights are usually my going out and regretting it in the morning kinda nights.


Good luck guys! and don’t worry if you don’t make it as far as your Xbox brethren, we probably won’t think any less of you.


Updated teams based on input. I will need someone from Team 2 to start and maintain another Party. Any volunteers? @LudwigVonTokkenTakke?

It’s almost Raid time! I may be running a bit late due to some family obligations, but if you have 6 in the party and want to start, I won’t be mad if you start without me.

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I’ll be on about 6:30 central time.


Anyone wanna hop on and help me with some nightfall’s before we raid.

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