Destiny 2 - Warmind Expansion

Expansion is coming May 8th. Can this in any way bring anything to the plate? Will the wait have been worth it? Is this the right path?

We still have a decent group of destiny players and I know we are all hoping they bring back what we loved in Destiny. Faith may be dwindling but we still have some hope. Right?

Gimme your 2 cents on the subject.



I bought the season pass, so I already have access to this.
I’ll give it a shot, probably play through all the story content.

If I get absorbed I might keep playing for a while afterwards, otherwise that will likely be my last venture into the world of Destiny (2 anyway).

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I bought the digital deluxe edition so have the expansions already and will give it another shot despite not playing it now for going on a few months; might as well as I’ve paid for it. I will hop back in and play the story (actually interested in the Warmind), hope for the best and go from there. Hopefully some of the GRG PS4 crowd will come out as it was a pretty lonely place during the Osiris expansion.

I really want them to get it right. They continue to shoot themselves in the foot even when they try to make improvements so I am not going to be on the hype train this go 'round like I have been throughout the years.


THAT SHIT READS…RANDOM ROLLS…woop woop! @DestinyPlayers

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Explain why that’s a good thing. I am not a fan of random rolls. If I get a gun, I want that gun to have the proper perks. I don’t want to have to pray to RNGesus for a god roll.

I really dislike random rolls and feel it’s just Bungie being lazy.

But I may be completely wrong on that, wtf do I know?

I get what you mean, but in D1 it felt like more of an achievement to get a good roll, even if that required replaying content - which I didn’t really mind, since the gameplay loop was enjoyable.

In D2 I feel like I have all the gear I need, since most of it is just reskins of existing pieces with the same small set of perk combinations repeated over and over.

Have you looked at how much armour is available through ?
Couple that with the tiny Vault size and I can’t see a reason to keep so many pieces, at least if I’m slowly pushing for good rolls I can be dumping everything else in the meantime…

Perhaps it isn’t ideal, I think I just got used to it in D1 and the system in D2 seemed worse.

In general IMHO…you are correct it’s a bandaid on a loot problem…that said…its what players want and until we can get good unique loot…it is an adequate fix to the biggest problem in this game. I just want to have a reason to login every day other than habit

I have not played since the first iron banner. I’ll wait for reviews to see if they can finally bring me back. I loved D1.

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…and thank you @Rigonn for scooping me…I’ve been busy at work and I heard it from GRG b4 all the other media coming in now…I was planning on posting something…saved me a few minutes LOL

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This right here exactly. I was coming back for 6x6 IB (as Lord SaladBar intended) but i’m out til this. I’ll keep coming back for new content but it’s going to need to be compelling to be sticky


Warmind is available as of approximately an hour ago.

Platform Destiny File Size Storage Space Needed for Download
PlayStation 4 53 GB 71 GB
Xbox One 50 GB 50 GB
PC 48 GB 68 GB


Any guardians who haven’t played since CoO:

Summary of Warmind and Season 3 Changes (both live today):
