Destiny 2-we will be running two raid groups on 5/19 at 9pm

as we are discussing here( Raids)…this will be our signup for the week on xbox 9ish 5/19 (Go to PS4 Destiny Raid night for PS4) and @SplendidKaos has interest on PC (when a post is up I will update) @destinyplayers

please Signup for 5/19 xbox raid

I’m in

Okay, this makes little to no sense to me.
So you’re saying that if I play Callus, I’m not allowed to participate in Argos?
Not sure I’m all on board with that.
This should 100% be a first come first serve basis.
Get in, get signed up… if you don’t get in to sign up early enough then sign up for an Alt spot… then side teams get built of Alts.

This BS of not being allowed to sign up for both Raids is… well BS frankly.

Not sure how to exactly handle this but we have more than 6 people interested in raiding. How do you suggest we get EVERYONE some raid time?

Again, as I said…

have a sign up sheet… first come first serve.
6 primary and up to 6 alts.
6 primary are the go team, unless someone isn’t there, then alts get called in.

Then secondary teams are built off Alts until all members get cycled through the Raid. Those who can stay will stay to help the Alts through once the first 6 get done.
Then separate the Raids by days.
Callus one day, Argos another…

That is my suggestion.

Everyone (especially the new people) should have the opportunity to do both. We ALL need to do both to be able to grind LL.

It kinda seems wrong to shaft the regulars who put in so much work to learn these damn raids and developed the team we have now… we have a schedule, it is posted weekly, and it hasn’t changed in months. It’s not like it’s hard to figure out when and who is raiding in D2 with GRG. And it’s not like we haven’t been FORCED to LFG every week because we hardly ever find the a 6th GRG online during the scheduled event. (who wants to raid)


I’m fine with the sign up sheet but we also need to be fair to those that can’t to the site to be one of the 6 that sign up first. I also want to see some of the cliques break up and expand the circle of friends.

I say do the sign up sheets. See who wants to raid. Balance out the experience between 2 parties if we can form that many. Work to include everyone.

ok…remember the Raids thread…that was the place for this discussion…I did not hear objections so i moved forward…Alts will not cut it…6 and 6 and if we wanna run 12 times a week in addition fine

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I can’t explain how much I am and GRG is against that thought process. I truly hate that train of thought.

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Out of curiosity, which part is disagreeable?
Scheduling time for events like we do with community nights weekly?
Getting together as a community to work as a team to learn how we can help new people who are having trouble?
Or posting regularly scheduled events so others have the opportunity to participate?

I’m pretty sure I quoted what I felt was wrong.

You seemed to forget this part when asking what was disagreeable:

I didn’t forget it.
I don’t understand why ANYONE would take umbrage with a group of GRG members devoting ourselves to becoming good at a hard thing so we can specifically help other not so experienced GRG members do the same thing.

I have NEVER at any point suggested that we are the ONLY team for this… I can tell you for sure that there are about 3 of us … maybe 4 who will be instrumental in successfully helping others through… but that isn’t to say that you HAVE to have all 4 of us in there to help. That’s only to say we CAN help, and we WANT to try and make it as painless as possible.

It’s 100% about the TEAM… not our little raid team… the GRG team. The idea that anyone thinks we are a closed clique is preposterous and proves how little time those people have spent with us to know how our team works. FFS… we have to LFG our last spot 90% of the damn time… we’d LOVE to have more GRG team members in to NOT LFG that spot…

PLEASE give us more serious bodies who WANT to play… We’ve been BEGGING for it for MONTHS.

I take umbrage with this notion that we are in any way cliquish and not inclusive. That’s just :poop:

I’m not trying to say you are cliquish. I’m saying it creates a cliquish look when you’re saying first 6 get the nod. It’s best to get players to sign up, then see how many you have and divide up teams. Saying first 6 get in makes it look like you’re outside looking in if you’re not fast enough. Now, if you put this out there, and only get 6 sign up but more show that night that didn’t sign up, then that’s on them for not showing interest earlier, and they’ll have to realize that the team is set that night and they can be an alt unless more show up.


I can get behind this too…

Didn’t think of it from that standpoint with “first 6 in”… that’s not a necessity, for sure.
I want more new blood.
I support it.
Fuck the LFG.
I’ll play the same Raid Layer 3 times back to Back if I have to… to help the others out… I don’t care.
I’m pretty sure our whole team has that same attitude.

So how bout this @valiantvictory
Saturday Argos
Sunday Callus

Have 2 Separate sign ups for each … make it a max of 18 just for SAGs …
Let the same people sign up for both.

If there is enough interest we can maybe look at letting Sniper lead an LFG group earlier in the day and then a “clear” round in the evening to get the clear … then we can go back and get the first few chests after the clear… (for time sakes)… if we have a large enough group.

When can Sherpa clears for those who just want the clears and then Sherpa the first few chests as time permits… maybe break up the team to do that… who knows… there’s a way to make this work for everyone.

I’d really like us to get to a point where we can Sherpa clears for Callus like we can for Argos…

ok I apologize to anyone offended in the process…please just sign up and and let us know raid preference we will divide up on Saturday, with the goal of having fun (not like this thread) and getting as many people into the raid as possible


Probably should start a new thread for sign ups.


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