Destiny tater raid EOW

I’m heading home now, I’ll be on in 20

I will get it set up.

Just getting home may need 10-20

You guys raiding tonight? I want to join!

Sniper, could you send me an invite?

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I’m 3 miles out

Oh zig is playing nvm my xbox… is broke?

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Hahaha so what’s the plan? I’m down for a raid!

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Good run last night fellas. @valiantvictory @Mowerguy90 @Zigography @Ridethewave We made it to Argos ph1 pretty quick, Picked up some loot along the way. Then ran some Crimson 2v2 pvp.

I finished what we started this morning but not to fear, I saved the checkpoint. Some of you guys need the completion so going to run it again. Let me know what time works for you tonight or tomorrow. I am on now and should be on after 4 or 5 est Monday for a bit.

What I picked up from finishing it today was we need one guy to co-ordinate the runners. Everyone has a plan until the first shot is fired, then it is a free for all. One guy instructed the runners and watched them to make sure they were going to the correct plates. Amazing how many experienced guys were getting confused. A lot of variables with it giving you a rainbow, 2/1 split, or 3 of a kind.

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I had a lot of fun. Feel like I’m getting more we’ll rounded as a player. I think haveimg a coordinator can only help the effort. Look forward to trying again.