Did something change for tablets?

The site used to load desktop style on my tablet. … but as of yesterday, I have to go to settings and request the desktop version of each tab.

Just wondering if there was an update with discourse that could have changed things.

No the site didn’t throw a temper tantrum.

Not sure what is up Audible. @Grex did the last update mess it up?

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Yes. In the last update they altered the browser agents to better support nexus devices and others.

If you want desktop view simply click on the hamburger menu in the top right. There is a desktop view button on the bottom of that menu.


@grex any idea on how responsive the site it?
Does it have pre-set resolutions or is going off of the device’s native settings?
With my tablet if I respond to a post the keyboard covers the entire screen.
I will try to snap a screenshot of it.

I have tried doing portrait and landscape locks to no avail.

Just thought I would ask.

not fixed sizes but by thresholds. if the native resolution is above x it will display y and if below it will display z. that is the basic way it behaves.

you can try flipping between desktop view and mobile view to see what if that changes anything.

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I’ll try that and see if it gets better.