Disney announces Han Solo spinoff for 2018

I’ve enjoyed them all so far.

Ron Howard confirmed to take over as director of Han Solo film. Sounds like the previous directors were trying to infuse more comedy in the film without clearing it with LucasFilm.

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So does Ron Howard make people feel better about the movie?

Not really. The majority of the film was already shot. His name was added to save the film.

I should have added to my question excluding Lala.

Sounds like Jabba will be in the film.


Title will be: Solo: A Star Wars Story

A Harrison Ford-less Han Solo movie… Yeah.

I have a bad feeling this is going to be the first misstep in the Star Wars revival. They need to keep away from the iconic roles for these anthology films, and explore other areas of the lore. You can’t guarantee that every younger recasting will go anywhere near as well as Ewan McGreggor did as Obi Wan.

First misstep???


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In the revival. Aka…post Disney.

Ok. Well maybe creating a whole new story instead of hanging on to Star Wars past.


BTW, this film’s biggest misstep is thinking someone other than Harrison Ford could play Han Solo. I just can’t see how that’s even going to work and be actually good.

Seriously, Harrison Ford was the best part of Force Awakens. He stole the movie (or saved it). Every other character is lifeless and just not interesting.

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The other problem is replacing Billy Dee Williams. I like Donald Glover, but trying to step in those shoes is futile as well.

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Extended trailer.

I thought this was a Christmas time frame movie did not realize it was going to be Memorial weekend.

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Hey we have to find things to be angry about again.

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Ill watch it.