Disney announces Han Solo spinoff for 2018

The next adventure in the Anthology series of Star Wars films will be directed by Christopher Miller and Phil Lord, whose credits include the critically acclaimed The LEGO Movie and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, as well as 21 Jump Street and 22 Jump Street. Among the most sought-after filmmakers working today, the two have proven a formidable duo on the multiple films they’ve collaborated on and are looking forward to applying their unique creative chemistry to the Star Wars universe.

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James Franco needs that part, that guy is awesome in everything


First cast photo was released as filming has begun.


I have a hard time with Woody and Glover. I have just seen them in too many other things. I love both of them just not sure I feel them in a Star Wars movie. I said the same thing about Sam Jackson so we will see.

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I’m just impressed with Chewbacca. Dude didn’t age one bit


I have had faith in what Disney has done with Star Wars but this is the one movie where I am worried. It will be extremely hard for them to capture Harrison Ford’s persona and avoid the massive comparisons between the actors.

Guess who’s in the upcoming Han Solo Film?

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I’ve been watching a show called Black Market that he hosts. Seems like a cool dude.

What’s ‘The Wire’?


A show about sunshine and lollipops.

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Dude if you haven’t watched the Wire I suggest you get on HBO Go right now and start binge watching. One of the best TV series ever made.

Doesn’t sound good…

I wasn’t terribly sold on the directors myself. The Lego Movie was a pretty good kids movie, but I wasn’t as impressed with 21 Jump Street as critics and the internet seemed to be. I thought it was pretty lame. However, I’m still very wary about this Han Solo movie. I have a bad feeling about someone else stepping into Harrison Ford’s role.

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Star Wars Saturation is going to really hurt this movie. Before it was something special. Now it’s just another sci fi franchise cashing in for a quick buck.

Seriously, how the hell can they make a Han Solo movie without Harrison Ford? The guy makes the character and he’s the reason Star Wars was so good. Just look at The Force Awakens, the best parts are all with Han Solo. He just eases back into that role and takes over.

Shocking that you would have a negative outlook on this.

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The director leaving with 3 weeks left of shooting? Sounds like a colossal fuck up to me. Yeah, I’m not thrilled for this.

Besides, the Prequels just ruined Star Wars. They were garbage. The Force Awakens was just Star Wars A New Hope 2.0. And Rogue One was just a forgettable movie. Darth Vader saved that from being a snore fest. Seriously, did anyone actually care about the main characters?? Anyone even remember their names?

Ok, the Droid (C3P0 / Chewbacca Hybrid) was entertaining.

Was a fan. Still a fan of the Original series.

@anon3687162 just likes the new movies because he can relate to Kylo Ren. Both are emo.

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BTW, this is still the best new Star Wars video out there.


I haven’t even watch the 2 new ones yet. Watched the original 3 the past weekend for the 1000000 time.

Well, I’m the polar opposite on Lala’s position on TFA and Rogue One - I loved both, and I’m dying to see The Last Jedi. Personally, I think more Star Wars is a great thing.

That said, I completely agree on the Han Solo movie. I don’t see how you can have someone else step into the role. That role was Harrison Ford’s, and no one else should touch it. I feel the same about Lando as well - that’s Billy Dee’s role, leave it alone. There is plenty to flesh out in the universe, this movie was unnecessary.