With the release of the 1.8 update massive has brought Tom Clancy’s The Division back from the dead. From day one this game has been amazing. the graphics were superb, the story while short was good, and the pvp grind in the dark zone while sometimes rage inducing was adrenaline pumping. as time went the trolls started to really ruin the game. but now I feel the game has a very balanced feel back in it. the end game activities are so varied it has something for all player types.
That being said if you are like me and took a break from the game you are probably behind the curb. with the introduction of classified gear the game has taken another step. and now the grind to get the gear you need to compete is doubled. global events are now the way to get classified gear the best. but when not in a global event there are other ways. resistance mode. the underground, or farming the dz bosses and dz crates.
but to do these you need a decent build to manage these events and if you don’t have one or are looking to update you current build while on the hunt for classified gear. I figured I’d drop a few of my non classified builds and my high end build to help anyone out til they can get the classified build they want.
Alpha Striker: 3 pcs alpha bridge, 2 pcs striker, and ninja bike messenger bag.
the messenger bags new talent is:
Talent: NinjaBike messenger bag
Slots in with any equipped Gear Set item to fulfill a requirement towards unlocking a Gear Sets bonus. Can unlock bonuses from multiple sets simultaneously. Cannot unlock Classified Gear Set bonuses
This allows you to unlock 4 pc alpha and 3 pc striker all at the same time.
Weapons: two lightweight m4’s with responsive, fierce, competent, and unforgiving
roll your stats for your play preference. I am more stamina based but others may want more firearms.
second build is one I am currently testing but seems to do pretty good
Exotic ninja build: 1 pc striker, 1 pc sentry, 3 pcs nomad, and ninja bike messenger bag
weapons: Bullfrog exotic assault rifle, and The house Submachine gun
( if you don’t have these. light weight m4’s and navy mp5’s are good substitutes, or player preference)
striker 2 pc gives 20% stability, sentry 2 pcs gives 30 accuracy, and 4 pc nomad gives auto revive one time every four minute if receiving fatal damage.
again roll stats for player preference.
last is my high end build
specialized backpack, skull mc gloves(exotic), Barrett’s bullet proof vest(exotic), refreshed mask, short bow knee pads(exotic), and nimble holster.
you want to run booster shot skill and critical save talent. Booster shot skill give you a small heal and 15% weapon damage for 10 secs, critical save when using a medkit in last health bar receive 40% damage resistance for 10 secs. so you use a medkit and then hit booster shot for 10 secs of almost god mode. barrett’s bullet proof vest talents are: Increase skill power by 10% when no skills are on cooldown.
Increase damage by 5% when one skill is on cooldown.
Increase armor by 10% when both skills are on cooldown.
weapons: my preference is a lightweight m4 and navy mp5. but you can use what ever you are comfortable with.
again roll your stats to your play style.
I hope these help anyone along the way to getting their classified gear set of choice. Global Event #4 Ambush starts jan 23 thru jan. 30. this event is dropping alpha bridge, firecrest, tactician’s authority, and hunters faith classified pieces. i’ll be grinding all week and I will be hosting a fire team Saturday night 8 p.m. est for any who would like to join. I know @ReaperMan10 will be joining with me if we have enough we can split it up and run two teams. hope to see ya’ll out there on the grind