Looking forward to this!
A $30 expansion is what this game needs? I’m not so sure.
The gear system has also been streamlined and refocused to make aspects of character growth clearer. One big change coming to the loot is the inclusion of “god-roll” items, which are weapons that have a particular set of stats up buffs that make it stand apart from duplicates like it. During our talk with the developers, they noticed that it was easy for players to feel overwhelmed by how character growth was conveyed, particularly with how many stats were displayed in the menu. In addition to streamlining the gear UI, which tucks away some of the more inconsequential stats under the hood, the skill menus have also been overhauled to make it easier for players to pick their abilities and decide on character builds.
Hopefully they streamline gear stats. With all the pluses and minuses of gear I was always confused as to whether gear was good or not.
I wonder if they will have a NY dark zone?
@GrumpyInUt - are you playing this game on the PC?
I am
game is pretty much done. the lost one of their biggest streamers a few months back. Marcostyle
I’ve just got back in playing on Xbox but I have a fully leveled PC character that I could dust off if you want to do some coop.
I’m down.
I like this one a lot more than the first.
I’m GrumpyUT on the Ubi launcher.
Awesome I’ll add you tonight and ping you next time I’m on the PC
I should give this game a try again. Just got bored by time I was able to join clan.
what’s your Uplay username?
I recently changed it, I think it matches my XB1 ID.
Let me double check
My Old ID was from my Ghost Recon Days in college, it was Dr_Fattballz
lol, nice one.
I have recently started back up on Div 2 on PC as well.
Uplay username?