Ok, it’s well documented that I am rather low level in The Division. What I’m curious is how many others in GRG are, and would like to level up for future events? Let me know in this thread, and I’ll work on a Lowbie night event in the next week.
I’m 25 and would love to join you to help us both but I think that might raise the enemies level too far to be fun for you.
And as always, i’m on super late (12-2 am) EST.
Except ARK. I gotta give him credit there. He has to be up to level 30 by now on his home server.
Fuck off, you’re definitely older than that.
I just picked the Division back up and worked my way up to 24 over the last few days
My second character is low so I can help you and build up the second character as well
Oh…i forgot about that. I could definitely run one of my other characters.
I think I’ve got a max character, and one that’s only level 2 or 3. More than happy to jump in.
I’m thinking this Sunday night for a lowbie night.
Ooo Sunday…
Were you going to run this on Xbox @anon42851937?
If so, I might run a parallel event for PS4 on the same night.
@SoInZane and @singularity80 seemed interested.
Yes, I’ll be on Xbox. Let me know and I’ll include that on the event when I create it later today.
I am down for it on the PS4 side. I am even willing to start a new character so i have some flexibility with builds. @lolo_0420 would probably be interested as well
Yea I’m down. I’ll start a new character to run with y’all!
Tonight tonight tonight