Do we want a Guild Tabard?

It will cost the guild 5000 gold. I think it may cost 1000 gold to the player also to purchase it but I am not sure about that part.

I personally don’t care. It looks good with some armor and looks bad with others. Just letting you all know that the option is there. If we do do it I will make it in the colors of the website and either use…

(Only Skull out of a ton of options)

or this…

(The Daedric Letter for G)

Let me know your thoughts.

I like the G myself. Do we all just chip in to make 5k I guess? Write me down for 10 lol

We have enough right now. We will need the gold to bid on a trader down the road if the store gets going.

They sure do make a group look snazzy. Its 2000 gold from the guild shop at a banker. :blush:

For me it’s a moot point, at least for my main toon. Where I run with Bound Aegis (small armor boost, but big boost to my max magicka) on at all times, it creates a phantom armor on me that would likely overwrite any tabard.

I find it weird we each need to pay 2k for the tabard after the guild needs to pay 5k just to create it. All well it’s only 2k I guess.

The G looks better than other one.

It looks good in game . Don’t have a real decent looking character to put it on but it still looked gooc